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🌹Yoni veneration is one of the highest forms of Divine Feminine veneration we can do physically as humans.⛲

All Mammalian life comes from a Yoni, and without her we would not have our lives. She's a connection to portals from unseen realms, to be respected and honoured. When we honour the Yoni, we honour Mother Earth and all of her abundance.

"Psychologically, it has been proven that when a woman continually hears of her vagina compared to something unpleasant, her mind will shape itself around the idea – (Richard E. Nisbett: The Geography of Thought). This was the very nucleus of all womb related ailments and the downfall of our planet’s need for vaginal sacrament. As yoni rituals ceased, the people of our planet lost their compass for direction, balance and harmony."

I painted Yonic Boom as an ode to this spiritual wisdom. Some of you were lucky enough to see me start to create this piece of Yoni Art on Instagram live last year, and it was a very free flowing creative process. The blues and the pinks show a divine balance between the throat and sacral centres, balancing the feminine and masculine; the receiving of thought and materialisation of thought.

She contains hand-sewn cowries for abundance, rose quartz and lapis lazuli. She's a perfectly balanced and energised artwork and I poured so much joy into creating her. What's your favourite detail? Nine is definitely the Yoni herself 🌹🫶

80cm Circle Canvas Acrylic and Hand sewn Rose Quartz and Lapis Lazuli

Yonic Boom

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    ©2024 by Love Hannington Art and Soul Ltd.

    Registered company no. 12836927 

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