My Portfolio
Take a look at all of my pieces, past and present. You'll see my beginnings in nude art and natural art, and how I've progressed onto Psychedelic Art and Visionary Art.

I remember this to be my first 'proper piece', in watercolour on paper. I'd painted for years before, mostly for fun, but really wanted to challenge myself to do something more thoughtful. It was actually a very hard time in my life, I really didn't understand who I was at the time. This was a self portrait. I turned off all the lights, and lit Diwas everywhere in my room. I painted. This is the end result.

I started working with Oil Pastel on paper. I enjoy how it blends, and how close I can get to the table. I certainly drag my hand across my work more than I'd like (terrible technique I know)!

Fun fact: This was created with pound land paints At the time I had no money, so most of my early materials come from the pound shop.

In an ode to both Gustav Klimt and Georgia O'Keeffe, I decided to paint my first and lonely houseplant, my peace lily. I wanted the sky to feel psychedelic and trippy, as it looked etheral. I now own over 20 houseplants and an allotment.

Exploration of emotion through colour use is just so deeply fascinating to me. The semiology of colour behind my pieces is something I pay deep attention to.

I really enjoy painting the human form. The female form, in particular. Nude art has always intrigued me. Pin up art was an obsession of mine since I was a teenager. Gil Elvgren was an early influence, and I had aspired to get to that point in skill.